Remembering Alan Curtis

The 1960 Golden Boy: by Brian Zelley

It has been four years since boxer Alan Curtis
was honoured at the 2010BC Golden Gloves.

Prior to that tournament, I was in-touch with
coach and Boxing BC president Chris Jones
to discuss recognizing Alan Curtis for his golden anniversary  of winning the golden boy award
in 1960. As part of the celebration, we would also
recognize Tommy Black. Tommy was another 
champion in 1960.

The following is a part of a special presentation
that I prepared for Alan in April 2010:

"Island boxer is '60's Golden Boy" 
and that man is Alan Curtis."

* Middleweight Curtis from Esquimalt engaged
in a "toe-to-toe slugfest" with Harry Hinz  in the
finals to gain the deision, the title and the
Golden Boy award.  Will the "Golden Boy"
be there to remember his achievement with
some of the other Golden Gloves alumni at
the Eagle Ridge Community Centre and to 
welcome the new breed in action on
April 16th. and 17th., 2010.

"A Golden Gloves 'golden anniverary"

by Brian Zelley:
"As we look forward to the 2010 Golden Gloves,
to be hosted by the newcomers Capital City
boxing club and Boxing BC, of significane
is the fact that 2010 marks the 50th. 
anniversary of the 1960 BC Golden Gloves.
Of significance for Greater Victoria is the 
interesting result of ALAN CURTIS of the
Esquimalt boxing club earned the 'special
award'.  Also, it was announced at that
'60's tournamest that the Esquimalt coach
Nick Lystar and South Hill coach Bert Lowes
would be the team coaches for the 1960
Canadian olympic boxing trials.

Remembering Alan and the Sizzling Sixties:

Trying to get all of the names of all of the 
boxers that competed in Golden Gloves action
from 1960 to 1969 is an interesting task ...

Some of the names:

Adams, Adolph, Ahmed, Alexander, Austin,
Banki, Bisson, Black, Boyce, Bremner,
Bretzner, Briesmeister, Caird, Cardinal, Carr
Charron, Clark, Coleridge, Coulson, Curtis,

Daniels, Deugau, Desrosiers, Douglas, Eastman,
Elmore, Falconer, Findlay, Fleck, Fuller, 
Getz, Ginetti, Gontes, Gordon, Grant, Gray,
Handlin, Henderson, Hinz, Huber, James,

Johnson, Kacer, Kolar, Lalich, Larue, 
Lindmoser, Lindsay, MacDonald, McDonald,
McEachern, McMillan, McGaw, McGowan, 
McLeay, Mazur, O'Reilly, Page, Palmer, Powell,
Pringle, Rabey, Rorick, Schelt, Scott, Santosi.
Sinclair, Sinitsin, Taylor, Tsuchya, Tohill, 
Toka, Vegas, Vieberg, Williams, 
Wilson, Wylie, Zelley...

Closing Words:
*** When I look back at the significance of
this tournament, there should be no special
significance over past tournaments, but when
the lights turn bright and you can see or have
images of past tournaments from 1939 onward,
one clear and present significant thing bubbles
 to the surface from the passages of the mind,
and that is the tournament of 1960 of 50 years ago
now gives us:
"Golden dreams, Golden memories, and the
Golden Anniversary and a golden boy named

Alan Curtis.


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